
This blog is a collection of tips and advice on triathlon both from me personally and what I have gathered from other athletes, coaches and mentors. I hope you will find the information useful and if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment! Enjoy and Tri Harder!

Meet Craig Alexander

On Friday March 20th, I was given the opportunity to meet Craig Alexander the two-time Ironman world champion. We met him at Key Power International, the sole distributor for Newton shoes in Singapore. With Craig being sponsored by the Boulder, Colorado based company it was only fitting that we should meet him there.

Craig or “Crowie”, with fellow Australian Pete Jacobs at his side opened by mentioning Newton shoes and how he became sponsored by them. Being a very genuine person at heart Craig gave us his opinion of the shoes honestly:

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Swimming Tip #3: How to Swim Efficiently

To really excel in swimming you need to practice swimming efficiently. A lot of inexperienced swimmers are under the impression that the faster you move your arms and harder you kick your legs, the faster you will go. This is in fact far from true.

The truth is that swimming more efficiently is the only way you’re going to increase your speed in swimming. Swimming efficiently means that you use your large back muscles instead of your shoulders and arms to propel yourself as well as use your entire body in its most streamlined positions.

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Be Your Own Hero

"Swim's done…Good, my ID band is still there," the Triathlete thought as he exited the water on his 11th Ironman. "Ok, wetsuit off - shoes - glasses - helmet - GO!" Running out of T1 the Triathlete checks his wrist once more for his trusty black ID Band with his name, allergies and emergency contact engraved. At 28 this is not an expected concern but since his 8th Ironman he checks for it every race; the infamous 8th race was the setting for the worst accident of his Triathlon career.

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One thing to remember to have a comfortable swim is to try to position yourself well within your wave right from the start. If you know you are a very weak swimmer then try to hang back and let the gung-ho swimmer-turned-triathletes battle it out at the front!

Again, probably one of the biggest reasons people shy away from triathlons is the swim. But, honestly, there are a lot of other triathletes in your wave who are just as weary about swimming as you are!

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