
This blog is a collection of tips and advice on triathlon both from me personally and what I have gathered from other athletes, coaches and mentors. I hope you will find the information useful and if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment! Enjoy and Tri Harder!


My name is Brian Piccione and I've decided to start a blog to gather some tips and tricks of seasoned triathletes to share with you. I myself have only just begun on my journey as a triathlete but I am not new to the art of training in any of the sports!

I grew up a competitive swimmer and my bike has always been my most favored form of transportation! As far as running goes, well, I'm 6'4", so the long legs just do what I say! But anyway, I intend on starting out with some swimming tips and advice for you since this seems to be the most intimidating leg of triathlon racing - at least for most potential tri-ers I've met!